The Strength Within


SKU: kCD_rhyFlowerKnits_StrengthWithin Categories: , ,

The Strength Within is a tribute to all those out there struggling with their mental health issues. Who find the strength to keep on going, even during the darkest days. Mental health issues can feel incredibly isolating at times, with many people hiding away because of the stigma behind them. Mental health is part of us but doesn’t need to define us.

As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I couldn’t have been any more on board when Allison Barnes was looking for designers to collaborate and feature her new Struggle & Strength Collection. The Strength Within will forever be near and dear to my heart as a project that helped me come forward about my mental struggles as well.

You’re not alone. ?

This top-down crescent-shaped shawl is designed with a variety of different techniques to keep you hooked without becoming tedious. Worked flat, The Strength Within contains written directions and charts. A handy-dandy progress tracker is included to help you with your row and stitch counts.

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