

SKU: kCD_HHammersen_Tufted Categories: , ,

Tufted adjective furnished with or adorned by tufts

Owlbert never expected to find himself working in the village bookshop. But once he met Owllison and saw how just much she loved helping folks find copies of their long lost and fondly remembered children’s books, he was helpless to resist. So now they work together in her charming shop, helping everyone who comes through the door find the perfect book.

But Owlbert’s true passion is baking. He makes the lightest popovers and tastiest jams you’ve ever had, and everyone who tries them begs for more. So he and Owllison are making plans to add a small cafe to the bookstore in the very near future. And if you need a popover in the meantime, your best bet is to drop by the bookstore when it first opens. There’s an excellent chance there will be a fresh batch ready to sample!

Look, I am not even going to try and convince you that you need these. You either looked at them, fell instantly in love, and began spinning out a whole complicated tale for them (and all their other woodland friends)…or you’re a normal, respectable adult who is not susceptible to such nonsense.

Either way is cool, and we can still totally be friends even if you’re not as easily distracted by the absurd and adorable as I am.

But if you are easily distracted? If you do feel a sudden longing to know what the owls get up to when no one is around? If you’re pretty convinced they’re having tea with the foxes and going on adventures with the raccoons? Well then you’re my kind of people and I think you’ll love these as much as I do (which is…um…a lot…a whole damn lot).

And I think we’re going to have a marvelous time together!

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