Rum and Cola


Welcome to the first pattern in the Boos for Beginners Collection. This collection consists of a series of six patterns designed for those wishing to try lace or for those not overly confident using finer yarns, however each pattern will still be a very useful addition to any wardrobe – whether beginner or not!

Lace knitting is not scary; it is merely knitting with increases and decreases that create a pattern of holes in your fabric. Often lace is knit with a finer yarn but not tiny needles. This creates a light and airy fabric that, once blocked, looks intricate and pretty. It is so much easier than you think it will be! Though this is a collection aimed at those beginning lace knitting it is not a knitting course, tutorial or knitting encyclopedia.

This little crescent shaped shawl is inspired by the drink Cuba Libre – White Rum and Coke – both are easy, friendly and light. Designed to be knit in a laceweight yarn, this shawl has a garter stitch body that is nice and simple and with the addition of beads it becomes elegant but not difficult. The shawl is finished with a pretty and simple lace border that will not perplex you but will boost your confidence ready to start the second shawl in the Collection. By the end of this Collection you will be able to tackle any of the Boo Patterns without a moment’s hesitation!

For knitters with more experience this pattern is simple but not boring. Perfect for holiday or television knitting and the ideal pattern to persuade a non-knitting friend that they really can do it!

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