Hope Remains


SKU: kCD_BooKnits_HopeRemains Categories: , ,

However old we are, whether married or single, we all remain hopeful that we will find love, our love will last and that we will be together forever. Created by the Gods and given a gift from each of them, Pandora was the first woman on Earth and created as a punishment to mankind. Pandora, whose name means ‘the one who has all gifts’, was given a jar (pithos) and told that it contained special gifts but she was never to open it. Wanting humanity to suffer so they would know not to disobey the Gods, Zeus knew that though she might try, Pandora would not be able to contain her curiosity. She opened the jar releasing illness, plague, hardship and misery. Panicking and scared, Pandora quickly closed the jar keeping Hope within.

The myth of Pandora’s jar/box tells us of the weakness of humans, how our curiosity has consequences, not just for the individual but for all mankind. However, it also tells us that hope will always remain, including hope that we can pause, think and process the possibilities of those consequences before we act. Hope means that we have the opportunity to always do the right thing.

Hope Remains is a delicate, lacy and beaded, top-down, crescent shaped shawl designed to be knit in a laceweight yarn (800m/100g) and is inspired the tale of Pandora.

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