

This shawl was originally designed for the 2015 Miss Babs Armchair Traveling Knitting Tour taking inspiration from the New Year Celebrations in Sydney, Australia. The excitement of the night is captured as a reflection of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The metal uprights are knit as mock cables that supporting the eyelet ridged arched top of the bridge and the lace supports set at a 45 degree angle provide a strong curve that explodes into a beaded firework display into the night sky. This exuberant border is edged with a series of picots that provide a grand finale to your shawl.

In January 1988 Australia celebrated their Bicentenary. The huge celebrations of the day ended with the bridge being the focal point of a magnificent night time display with fireworks lighting up the roadway and the arches. This has since become the pattern for the New Year firework displays. In 2000 for the Millennium celebrations the Harbour Bridge displayed the word ‘Eternity’ as a tribute to Arthur Stace, a Sydney artist who, between the years of 1932 (the year the bridge was completed and opened) and 1967 (his death), had chalked the word in amazing copperplate writing on pavements – all despite rumours of his illiteracy.

Knit in fingering weight with 1300 beads that symbolise the New Year fireworks, this crescent shaped shawl is an enjoyable and fun knit that will grace any outfit any time of the year.

This pattern has both charts and written instructions with bead placement clearly shown throughout.

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